In the school of progression there is no setback only a step back or a set up for a comeback. 

When you fall, will, make sure you fall on your back so you can look up, because if you can look up you can get up - The words of Dr. I.C. Onyema.

Psalm 121: "I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills from whence cometh my help" 

When looking to the hills you don't look down, you look up. Simply put by David, when you need help, when faced with hard times, look up.

Literally speaking, when you are in a sinking sand, it is advised to look up because you'd sink slower and who knows, help might just be where you least expect it.

One strategy of the devil is to bring problems, disappointments, worry, anxiety and fear, things that would make you look down on yourself and/or focus on the problems or wallow in self-pity rather than looking up where help, strength and fortress is. 
David understood this before he faced Goliath, that giant who mocked the Israelite army, David knew all he had to do was look up to God who became his strength and salvation. 
Even Jesus, before feeding five thousand knew that with man it was impossible to achieve that feat, He looked up, and there cameth help. 
Four days after Lazarus' death, Jesus brought him back to life... Before He did that, He looked up.

 "Ask and ye shall receive, seek and ye shall find, knock and the door shall be opened... Look up and heaven shall be opened unto you".

AUTHOR - Vixamz SOA.

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