As kingdom citizens,
We don't need parties, we have church;
We get drunk in the Holy Spirit not on spirits;
The Holy Communion wine is our shot of tequila;
We invest into spiritual banks by Tithing.
Money isn't essential, Grace is;
Crusades are our sold out concerts;
Vigils are our night clubs;
We don't need coke to get high, we've got a God who's the most high.
Guns and swords don't protect us, the Sword of the Spirit does;
We don't need royal blood cos the blood of  Christ's already flowing in our 'big' veins;
We don't need the internet for community, we've got fellowship.
Even before Twitter, Christ had millions of followers;
We don't need a Miley Cyrus, we've got a Kari Jobe;
We don't need a Lil' Wayne, we've got a LeCrae;
We don't need a motivational speaker, we've got the Holy Spirit.
We are not a religion, we are 'Koinonia';
We don't do boring stuff like they do at pool parties;
We operate highly electrifying spirit filled services;
Life on earth is a test and the Scripture is our user's manual for it.

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